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Sandvik Extec Mail to: sales@hanvikspares.com for any part not listed

Hanvik Wear&Spare produces a comprehensive range of aftermarket spare parts to suit the Sandvik Extec range of cone crushers and jaw crushers.

QJ® Range - QJ240 | QJ241 | QJ340 | QJ341
Extec Jaw® Range  - C-10 | C-12 | C12+
Classic Range - Mega-Bite 1100x700 | Pit-Bull Mk1 900x600 | Pit-Bull Mk2 900x600
Extec X SBS Range: X38, X44
Fintec – F-1107
Hanvik Wear&Spare stocks a range of premium wear parts in material of Mn14% to Mn21% with or without chromium2% and high chrome iron alloy.
All the wear and spare parts are proven in mining and aggregated application. Hanvik Wear&Spare warrants the  quality of the parts with no difference from OEM standards and offers the great cost savings for customers.